Welcome To The HTMA Practitioner Professional Training Course
Listen To This Audio: Welcome To The HTMA Pro Course!
This audio is made by your Course Instructor, Kari J. Kindem.
(10:30 minutes)
Please Also Read Through These Course Guidelines Carefully
Updated: 3/1/25
- This Course is for professional Health Care Providers including: Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Doctors, Fitness Coaches, Health Coaches, Homeopaths, Medical Doctors, Naturopaths, Nutritional Consultants, Registered Nurses and others in the field of alternative health or traditional medicine.
- This professional course is specific to the HTMA labs that are provided Trace Elements Labs, located in the USA and its international distributors worldwide.
- Trace Labs is the #1 hair testing lab in the world with over 1.7 million hair tests done over 40+ years for clients worldwide
- Your current HTMA lab with Trace Elements Labs is required for your registration in this course.
- Please note that New York state does not allow HTMA’s to be sent to or from this state, so a different shipping address outside of New York must be used for shipping the kit and when returning the hair sample back to the lab.
- One of the first assignments in the course (Module #2) requires you to mark up your own HTMA report. You will do this assignment once your own HTMA arrives.
- You should proceed through the course in the meantime to stay on schedule and come back to this part of the assignment when your hair test arrives.
- Having your own HTMA results in hand while taking this course will personalize and significantly enrich your overall learning experience of the complicated concepts and data interpretation that this HTMA course offers.
- Points of significance in the course materials are in dark red and in some cases also highlighted in yellow in order to emphasis their importance.
- The graphs and course materials are best viewed from a computer rather than a smaller device like a smart phone.
- You must have immediate access to a computer to print out the required materials for building your course resource binder and to complete certain course assignments.
Course Time Commitment and Access Duration
- The course takes about 45+ online hours to complete diligently and at your own pace.
- You have 4 months to complete the course from the date of your first access to the course.
- In order to complete the course in 4 months you must complete at least 3 module assignments every week.
- Some assignment sets take only a few minutes while others will take up to 1 hour or longer.
- Note: The Course Instructor has the ability to audit each student’s progress and to look at the date and time stamps that will show the exact date and time each section of the course was accessed and how long each section was viewed before ot was marked as completed.
- IMPORTANT: Because there are limited new enrollments allowed each month, you not finishing on time may put other students who have applied for the course on a waiting list.
- Therefore, there is an added cost for ongoing Course access, with no exceptions, past the first 4 months deadline of:
- $100 for the first extension of 30 days extension.
- $200 for the second 30 days extension.
- $300 for the third 30 days extension.
The Course Must Be Done In Order
- The course curriculum is designed for the optimal understanding for and processing all the information and the volume of materials presented.
- There are 30 modules in the course and most modules have multiple sections in each of them.
- The modules include reading materials, printed materials, downloadable graphs and documents and assignments per module.
- There are 15+ hours of videos are integrated into the course from experts in the field of HTMA, homeopathy and natural medicine.
- There are 40+ instructional audios made by the Instructor that are presented throughout the course.
HTMA Case Studies – 7 Plus Your Own
- There are 7 detailed and complex HTMA case studies from the Instructor’s practice at the end of the course.
- These assignments take the most time to complete.
- There is an analysis by the Instructor of the HTMA’s for each, an analysis of the case’s medical and personal history, important traumas discussed, plus the integration of homeopathy and megapotencies used along with Trace Lab supplements.
- Each case study has an overall care plan that is reviewed by the Instructor in detail.
- Students in this course will also review these presented HTMA cases and make additional comments to demonstrate their understanding of real life cases using HTMA with various health conditions.
- Each student will submit their own detailed case study audio recording, based on their own HTMA and medical history, for grading and to demonstrate their comprehensive knowledge of the material in the course, according to their own HTMA.
Homework Assignments
- Do not cut and paste answers to your questions from the course materials.
- Type up all of your answers in your own words.
- There are 37 homework assignment sets that must be submitted for grading and passing by the Instructor, plus the final examination.
- Some of the material and assignments in a given module are fast and simple, while others are more extensive and will take more time.
- The more extensive and time consuming modules are marked as “Long Module” in the title of the module.
- These sections will require more time reading, studying and completing the associated assignments.
- All modules and assignments must be done in order and submitted in order throughout the entire course.
- Each section must be marked as completed before proceeding to the next one.
- You must cut and paste the question for each assignment at the top of your email and then add your replies for the Instructor to review, answering each, by number, in order.
- You may only submit one (1) module assignment set for grading by the Instructor per day.
- You may submit up to maximum 4 assignments per week.
- All assignments are graded by the Instructor during business hours of Monday through Thursday.
- No assignments or questions may be submitted to the Instructor on any Friday, Saturday, Sunday or USA legal holidays.
- You may proceed through the Course and be working on assignments ahead of time, but you can only send in one assignment set per day.
- For the longer HTMA case study assignments near the end of the course, only one (1) case study may be submitted per day.
- You must be passed by the Instructor on each assignment before you send in the next assignment.
Your Course Binder
- You will be printing out and organizing and building a large printed HTMA resource binder as you go through the course.
- Make sure you have access to a printer and a ream of paper.
- You are required to save, print and organize various printed charts and articles for your binder in sections you make as you go that will be very helpful to you later in your HTMA practice.
- At the end of the course you will be required to send a photo of your printed binder.
Final Examination
- The final examination is an open book exam with 100 questions. You may take the exam as many times as needed in order to pass it.
- You must achieve a score of 80% or better to pass the exam.
Course Completion & Your Certificate
- At the end of the course you will be required to do a short online survey for your valued feed back.
- You will also be required write a review of the course, the course materials and the Instructor at completion of the course.
- Once you have completed all of the course steps, you may request a copy of your Certificate of Completion.
- Once you have finished this online professional course, you will be allowed to order HTMA’s with a practitioner discount codes if you wish through www.HTMAexperts.com for your clients from this website and be be provided with your own special discount code.
Hit The Start Button To Begin The Course.
- 30 Sections
- 235 Lessons
- 120 Days
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- 1. About The HTMA Practitioner Training Course Instructor4
- 2. Start Binder For Course and Mark Up Hair Tests [LONG MODULE]4
- 3. Clinical Research On Hair Testing3
- 4. The History Of Hair Testing and Videos5
- 4.104-1. AUDIO #4 FROM INSTRUCTOR: Hair Testing And Its History (2 min.)
- 4.204-2. The History Of Hair Testing
- 4.304-3. VIDEO: History and General Application of HTMA – Dr. David Watts (25 min.)
- 4.404-4. VIDEO: Historical Perspective and Why HTMA Is Not Widely Used – Dr. Rick Malter (24 minutes)
- 4.504-5. ASSIGNMENT #4: Your Comments On The History Of HTMA
- 5. Why Do Hair Mineral Analysis and Videos6
- 5.105-1. AUDIO #5 FROM INSTRUCTOR: Stress, Lifestyle and Hair Testing (9 min.)
- 5.205-2. Why Do Hair Testing In Your Practice
- 5.305-3. VIDEO: Why Do a Hair Mineral Analysis? – Dr. Rick Malter (59 min.)
- 5.405-4. VIDEO: A Brief Introduction To HTMA – Dr. David Watts (10 min.)
- 5.505-5. When To Retest The Hair For Your Clients
- 5.605-6. ASSIGNMENT #5: Why You Want To Do Hair Testing
- 6. How To Cut A Proper Hair Sample and Videos4
- 7. Introduction To HTMA and Videos4
- 8. Basic Metabolic Types In The HTMA and Videos8
- 8.108-1. AUDIO #8 FROM INSTRUCTOR: The 2 Basic Metabolic Types (3 min.)
- 8.208-2. VIDEO: Metabolic Typing In The HTMA – Dr. David Watts (19 min.)
- 8.308-3. The Two Basic Metabolic Types In Hair Testing – SLOW and FAST + PDF
- 8.408-4. VIDEO: Classification Of Metabolic Types: Slow and Fast Types – Dr. David Watts (6 min.)
- 8.508-5. SLOW Metabolic Types – Burned Out Stress State – Parasympathetic Dominant
- 8.608-6. FAST Metabolic – Fight of Flight Stress State – Sympathetic Dominant
- 8.708-7. VIDEO: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Dominance – Dr. David Watts (32 min.)
- 8.808-8. ASSIGNMENT #8: Basic Metabolic Types and Main Health Conditions
- 9. Mineral Values And Ranges Currently Used In The HTMA and Videos [LONG MODULE]21
- 9.109-1. AUDIO #9 FROM INSTRUCTOR: The Most Important Minerals (2 min.)
- 9.209-2. VIDEO: Recognition Of Immune Response With HTMA – Dr. David Watts (32 min.)
- 9.309-3. Nutritional Elements Graph – The 8 Most Important Minerals In The HTMA
- 9.409-4. Current Ideal Values and Ranges Of The Essential Minerals In The HTMA + PDF
- 9.509-5. Calcium (Ca) – Ideal = 63
- 9.609-6. Magnesium (Mg) – Ideal = 5.35
- 9.709-7. Symptoms Of Magnesium Deficiency + PDF
- 9.809-8. VIDEO: High Magnesium or Potassium Reflects A Loss – Dr. Rick Malter (18 min.)
- 9.909-9. VIDEO: Why We’re All Magnesium Deficient – Dr. Carolyn Dean (31 min.)
- 9.1009-10. The Drugs That Deplete Magnesium + PDF
- 9.1109-11. How To Use ReMag Magnesium and Pico Potassium With HTMA Clients + Audio (4 min)
- 9.1209-12. Sodium (Na) – Ideal = 18.5
- 9.1309-13. Potassium (K) – Ideal = 12.5
- 9.1409-14. Copper (Cu) – Ideal = 1.65 + PDF
- 9.1509-15. Zinc (Zn) – Ideal = 15.5
- 9.1609-16. Zinc Deficiency and Its Symptoms
- 9.1709-17. VIDEO: Three Most Common Mineral Deficiencies: Molybdenum, Zinc and Magnesium – Dr. Robert Selig (3 min.)
- 9.1809-18. VIDEO: Why Zinc and Copper Play A Healing Role – Dr. Robert Selig (16 min.)
- 9.1909-19. Phosphorus (P) – Ideal = 15.5
- 9.2009-20. Iron (Fe) – Ideal = 1.5
- 9.2109-21. ASSIGNMENT #9: Top Minerals and Their Functions
- 10. The Additional 7 Nutritional Elements In The HTMA [LONG MODULE]9
- 10.110-1. AUDIO #10 FROM INSTRUCTOR: The Additional Minerals (2 min.)
- 10.210-2. Manganese (Mn) – Ideal = .062
- 10.310-3. Chromium (Cr) – Ideal = .05
- 10.410-4. Selenium (Se) – Ideal = .08
- 10.510-5. Boron (B) – Ideal = .415
- 10.610-6. Cobalt (Co) – Ideal = .0025
- 10.710-7. Molybdenum (Mo) – Ideal = .005
- 10.810-8. Sulfur (S) = – Ideal = 4721
- 10.910-9. ASSIGNMENT #10: Additional Essential Elements and Their Impacts
- 11. The 8 Toxic Elements and Toxic Ratios HTMA Graphs & Video [LONG MODULE]15
- 11.111-1. AUDIO #11 FROM INSTRUCTOR: Toxic Elements and Toxic Ratios (5 min.)
- 11.211-2. The 8 Toxic Elements & 11 Toxic Ratios Graphs and Video – Dr. David Watts (17 min.)
- 11.311-3. VIDEO: Heavy Metals and Their Metabolic Effects – Dr. David Watts (34 min.)
- 11.411-4. Antimony (Sb) – Toxic Element
- 11.511-5. Uranium (U) – Toxic Element + Sample HTMA
- 11.611-6. Arsenic (As) – Toxic Element + Sample HTMA
- 11.711-7. Beryllium (Be) – Toxic Element + Sample HTMA
- 11.811-8. Mercury (Hg) – Toxic Element + Sample HTMA
- 11.911-9. VIDEO: Mercury Toxicity by Dr. Damian Wojcik (51 min.)
- 11.1011-11. Cadmium (Cd) – Toxic Element + Sample HTMA
- 11.1111-11. Lead (Pb) – Toxic Element + Sample HTMA
- 11.1211-12. Aluminum (Al) – Toxic Element + Sample HTMA
- 11.1311-13. Tattoo Toxins and Their Health Impacts
- 11.1411-14. Using Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) For Heavy Metals
- 11.1511-15. ASSIGNMENT #11: Toxic Elements and Tattoos
- 12. Additional 14 Elements Graph In The HTMA3
- 13. The 7 Significant Ratios Graph [LONG MODULE]12
- 13.113-1. AUDIO #13 FROM INSTRUCTOR: The Significant Ratios Graph (5 min.)
- 13.213-2. The Significant Ratios In The HTMA + PDF
- 13.313-3. Calcium To Phosphorus Ratio (Ca/P) – Metabolic Type Ratio = 2.6 + PDF
- 13.413-4. Sodium To Potassium Ratio (Na/K) – The Stress Ratio = 2.4 + PDF
- 13.513-5. Calcium To Potassium Ratio (Ca/K) – The Thyroid Ratio = 4.2 + PDF
- 13.613-6. Zinc To Copper Ratio (Zn/Cu) – Mental & Hormonal Functions Ratio = 8 + PDF
- 13.713-7. Sodium To Magnesium Ratio (Na/Mg) – The Adrenal Ratio = 4 + PDF
- 13.813-8. Calcium To Magnesium Ratio (Ca/Mg) – The Blood Sugar Ratio = 7 + PDF
- 13.913-9. Iron To Copper (Fe/Cu) – The Infections Ratio = .9 + PDF
- 13.1013-10. Other Markers In The HTMA Of Significance In Practice + PDF
- 13.1113-11. About The Additional 11 Ratios Graphs
- 13.1213-12. ASSIGNMENT #13: Significant Ratios Graph
- 14. Most Important Mineral Patterns [LONG MODULE]9
- 14.114-1. AUDIO #14 FROM INSTRUCTOR: Most Important Patterns To Recognize (6 min.)
- 14.214-2. Adrenal Fatigue and Adrenal Burnout Pattern = Exhausted Adrenal Function + PDF
- 14.314-3. Adrenal Cocktail Recipe Instructions + PDF
- 14.414-4. Calcium Shell Pattern = High Calcium, Low Adrenal Function and Copper Toxicity + PDF
- 14.514-5. Poor Metal Eliminator Pattern = Very Low Excretion or Not Releasing Any Heavy Metals
- 14.614-6. Four Highs Pattern = Abnormally High Minerals With High Ongoing Stress
- 14.714-7. Three Lows Pattern = Overwhelming Stress and Near Collapse
- 14.814-8. Four Lows Pattern = Extremely Low Vitality
- 14.914-9. ASSIGNMENT #14: Mineral Patterns
- 15. Copper Toxicity In HTMA Practitice and Videos [LONG MODULE]12
- 15.115-1. AUDIO #15 FROM INSTRUCTOR: Big Picture On Copper Toxicity (6 min.)
- 15.215-2. Copper Toxicity and Health
- 15.315-3. Copper, Copper Toxicity and Biounavailable Copper
- 15.415-4. VIDEOS: On Copper Toxicity and Understand Copper Toxicity (1 hr. 25 min.)
- 15.515-5. Copper Deficiency and Toxicity Markers In The HTMA + PDF
- 15.615-6. Symptoms Related To Copper Toxicity + PDF
- 15.715-7. About Ceruloplasmin
- 15.815-8. VIDEO: Importance Of Testing Young Girls For Copper Toxicity – Dr. Rick Malter (6 min.)
- 15.915-9. VIDEO: Copper Dysregulation and Adrenal Exhaustion – Dr. Robert Selig (15 min.)
- 15.1015-10. Fibromyalgia and Women: High Calcium and Hidden Copper + PDF
- 15.1115-11. Alzheimer’s Disease and Copper Toxicity
- 15.1215-12. ASSIGNMENTS #15a – #15d: Copper Toxicity
- 16. Copper Toxicity, Birth Control and Estrogen and Videos [LONG MODULE]10
- 16.116-1. AUDIO #16 FROM INSTRUCTOR: Working With Copper Toxic Clients In Your Practice (5 min.)
- 16.216-2. The Health Risks Of Birth Control + PDF
- 16.316-3. The Importance Of Hair Testing In Pregnancy
- 16.416-4. Copper Toxicity and Cancer
- 16.516-5. VIDEO: Copper, Estrogen and The Cancer Connection – Dr. Robert Selig (30 min.)
- 16.616-6. VIDEO: How The Pill Kills – Dr. Angela Lanfranchi (18 min.)
- 16.716-7. VIDEO: The Problems With The Birth Control Pill – Dr. Sherrill Sellman (7 min.)
- 16.816-8. VIDEO: Long Term Effects Of Birth Control Pills – Dr. Elizabeth Plourde (3 min.)
- 16.916-9. VIDEO: Why I Want My Patients Off Birth Control – Dr. Kelly Brogan (3 min.)
- 16.1016-10. ASSIGNMENT #16: Copper Toxicity and Birth Control
- 17. Mineral Supplementation For Rebalancing and Video [LONG MODULE]9
- 17.117-1. AUDIO #17 FROM INSTRUCTOR: Dietary Recommendations and Supplements For Clients (4 min.)
- 17.217-2. VIDEO: Non-Psychological Causes Of Mental Disturbance – Dr. David Watts (20 min.)
- 17.317-3. VIDEO: Mineral Supplementation For Rebalancing – Dr. David Watts (15 min.)
- 17.417-4. VIDEO: Nutrition In Healthcare and Disease Prevention – Dr. Davis Watts (6 min.)
- 17.517-5. HTMA Interpretation Tips + PDF
- 17.617-6. The 9 Most Important Rules In Mineral Balancing – Article by Dr. Paul Eck + PDF
- 17.717-7. Diet Summary Page In The Trace Labs Comprehensive HTMA Report
- 17.817-8. HTMA Supplement Recommendations and List Of All Trace Lab Supplements
- 17.917-9. ASSIGNMENT #17: Diet and Mineral Recommendations
- 18. Iodine, Thyroid Function, Salt and Their Importance and Videos [LONG MODULE]10
- 18.118-1. AUDIO #18 FROM INSTRUCTOR: Iodine and Hair Testing (4 min.)
- 18.218-2. Why Iodine Is Not Tested In the HTMA
- 18.318-3. Iodine Markers in the HTMA + PDF
- 18.418-4. About Iodine And Its Importance In Health
- 18.518-5. VIDEOS: 5 Videos About Iodine – Dr. Flechas, Dr. Circus, Dr. Tennypenny and Dr. Brownstein (55 min.)
- 18.618-6. Nutrient Relationships and The Thyroid – Dr. David Watts
- 18.718-7. VIDEO: About Thyroid and Minerals – Dr. Carolyn Dean (1 hr. 10 min.)
- 18.818-8. The Importance Of Salt
- 18.918-9. How To Test For Iodine At Labs
- 18.1018-10. ASSIGNMENTS #18a – #18d: Importance Of Iodine and Iodine Deficiency Markers
- 19. The 10 Mineral Wheels and Their Synergistic and Antagonist Relationships [LONG MODULE]9
- 19.119-1. AUDIO #19 FROM INSTRUCTOR: The Complex Mineral Wheels (6 min.)
- 19.219-2. The 10 Minerals Wheels Used In HTMA + PDF’s
- 19.319-3. Mineral Relationship Quick Charts + PDF’s
- 19.419-4. Mineral Antagonist and Syngerists Diagrams and Charts + PDF’s
- 19.519-5. HTMA Tip: Vitamin B6 and Mineral Metabolism
- 19.619-6. HTMA Tip: Vitamin B12 and Slow Metabolizers
- 19.719-7. HTMA Tip: Vitamin D and Slow Metabolizers
- 19.819-8. Trace Labs – Various Articles On Mineral Relationships + PDF’s
- 19.919-9. ASSIGNMENT #19: Mineral Wheels
- 20. Integrating Homeopathy To Speed Up HTMA Client Progress and Videos [LONG MODULE]11
- 20.120-1. AUDIO #20 FROM INSTRUCTOR: Integrating Homeopathy With HTMA Clients (14 min.)
- 20.220-2. Introduction To Homeopathy
- 20.320-3. VIDEOS: Homeopathy and How Homeopathic Remedies Are Made (16 min.)
- 20.420-4. Top 15 Homeopathic Constitutional Remedies Used In Homeopathy + PDF
- 20.520-5. How To Dose A Homeopathic Constitutional Remedy + PDF
- 20.620-6. Homeopathic Cell Salts – The 12 Essential Minerals In Homeopathic Form + PDF
- 20.720-7. Using Homeopathy To Reduce Heavy Metal Impacts + PDF
- 20.820-8. HTMA PRACTICE TIP: Using Cell Salts For HTMA Clients + PDF
- 20.920-9. HTMA PRACTICE TIP: Sepia #1 Remedy For Exhausted Women + Audio (10 min.) + Video (4 min.)
- 20.1020-10. HTMA Practice Tip: Ignatia #1 Remedy for Grief + Audio (7 min.) + Video (2 min.)
- 20.1120-11. ASSIGNMENT #20: Using Homepathy In HTMA Practice
- 21. Integrating Banerji Protocols With Your HTMA Clients and Videos5
- 21.121-1. AUDIO #21 FROM INSTRUCTOR: Integrating Banerji Protocols With HTMA Clients (6 min.)
- 21.221-2. About The Banerji Protocols
- 21.321-3. VIDEO: The History Of The Banerji Protocols – Dr. Pratip Banerji (14 min.)
- 21.421-4. HTMA PRACTICE TIP: Top Banerji Protocols To Integration Into HTMA Practice
- 21.521-5. ASSIGNMENT #21: Banerji Protocols In HTMA Practice
- 22. Emotional Influences, Medical and Trauma History For HTMA Client and Videos6
- 22.122-1. AUDIO #22 FROM THE INSTRUCTOR: Client Medical History and Data (4 min.)
- 22.222-2. VIDEO: How Emotions Are Reflected in Body Chemistry – Dr. David Watts (45 min.)
- 22.322-3. VIDEO: Individuality Of The Stress Response – Dr. David Watts (20 min.)
- 22.422-4. Collecting Client Data In A Brief Medical History + Online Form + PDF
- 22.522-5. Using A Detailed Medical Timeline With HTMA Clients + Online Form + PDF
- 22.622-6. ASSIGNMENT #22: Trauma History + Brief Medical History Form Online Access
- 23. The 11 Megapotency Homeopathic Remedies That Help To Clear Trauma [LONG MODULE]16
- 23.123-1. AUDIO #23 FROM THE INSTRUCTOR: Integrating Megapotencies In Your Practice (32 min.)
- 23.223-2. AUDIO & VIDEOS: About Megapotencies – by Jill Turland (55 min. + 28 min.)
- 23.323-3. About The 11 Megapotencies Used In Homeopathy For Energy Blocks and Trauma Release
- 23.423-4. Aconite 10MM – Trauma and severe fright trauma from near death incidents + PDF
- 23.523-5. Arnica 10MM – Trauma from physical injuries or accidents + PDF
- 23.623-6. Conium 10MM – Trauma from financial failures, pressures or lack of financial support + PDF
- 23.723-7. Hydrastis 10MM – Trauma, injury or musculoskeletal issues from carrying too much responsibility + PDF
- 23.823-8. Hypericum 10MM – Trauma from drug abuse, medical drug abuse and low self esteem + PDF
- 23.923-9. Ignatia 10MM – Trauma from significant grief events + PDF
- 23.1023-10. Ledum 10MM – Trauma and guilt from resentment and held grievances + PDF
- 23.1123-11. Natrum Muriaticum 10MM Megapotency – Trauma from long held grief, abandonment or disappointment + PDF
- 23.1223-12. Ruta 10MM – The need to always be strong through all life’s up and downs + PDF
- 23.1323-13. Staphysagria 10MM – Trauma and mortification from bodily harm including medical interventions + PDF
- 23.1423-14. Symphytum 10MM – Physical trauma, breakdown of musculoskeletal and body tissues + PDF
- 23.1523-15. HTMA PRACTICE TIP: How To Dose Megapotencies in 10MM To Help Clear Significant Trauma + PDF
- 23.1623-16. ASSIGNMENT #23: Using Megapotencies In HTMA Practice
- 24. HTMA 7 Case Studies - Backgrounds, HTMA Graphs, Care Plans and Audios [VERY LONG MODULE]16
- 24.124-1. AUDIO #24 FROM INSTRUCTOR: HTMA Case Studies (3 min.)
- 24.224-2. Case Study #1: “Sarah” – Mother Age 41: SLOW 4 – High Calcium, Copper Toxicity and Adrenal Fatigue + Audio (14 min.)
- 24.324-3. ASSIGNMENTS: #24-3 For Sarah * One Assigment May Be Submitted Per Day
- 24.424-4. Case Study #2: “James” – Child Age 9: SLOW 1 – PANDAS Diagnosis, Elevated Iron and Adrenal Fatigue + Audio (10 min.)
- 24.524-5. ASSIGNMENTS: #24-5 For James * One Assigment Set May Be Submitted Per Day
- 24.624-6. Case Study #3: “Margaret” – Woman Age 59: SLOW 1 – Chronic Fatigue, Parkinson’s Diagnosis, Copper Toxicity & High Lead + Audio
- 24.724-7. ASSIGNMENTS: #24-7 For Margaret * One Assigment Set May Be Submitted Per Day
- 24.824-8. Case Study #4: “Bridget” – Teenager Age 16: SLOW 1 – Anxiety, OCD, High Copper and Severe Adrenal Fatigue + Audio (14 min.)
- 24.924-9. ASSIGNMENTS: #24-9 For Bridgette * One Assigment SetMay Be Submitted Per Day
- 24.1024-10. Case Study #5: “Hans” – Man Age 57: FAST 1 – Low Copper, High Stress Markers and “Type A” + Audio (18 min.)
- 24.1124-11. ASSIGNMENTS: #24-11 For Hans * One Assigment Set May Be Submitted Per Day
- 24.1224-12. Case Study #6: “Jacob” – Boy Age 7: FAST 4 – Autism Diagnosis + All Four Lows + Audio (14 min.)
- 24.1324-13. ASSIGNMENTS: #24-13 For Jacob * One Assigment Set May Be Submitted Per Day
- 24.1424-14. Case Study #7: “Chris” – Man Age 32: FAST 1 – High levels of Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Tattoos + Audio (16 min.)
- 24.1524-15. ASSIGNMENTS: #24-15 For Chris * One Assigment Set May Be Submitted Per Day
- 24.1624-16. ASSIGNMENTS: #24-16 – Case Study and Audio For Yourself * One Assigment Set May Be Submitted Per Day
- 25. How To Order HTMA Labs For Your Clients5
- 25.125-1. AUDIO #25 FROM INSTRUCTOR: Ordering Hair Tests (6 min.)
- 25.225-2. How To Order Discounted HTMA’s For Your Clients (USA and CANADA)
- 25.325-3. Download Release Form To Use For Client Orders + PDF
- 25.425-4. Recommended Procedures Checklist For Working With A New HTMA Client + PDF
- 25.525-5. ASSIGNMENT #25: Ordering Hair Tests (USA and CANADA) through HTMA Experts
- 26. Articles, Books & Websites Of Importance6
- 26.126-1. AUDIO #26 FROM INSTRUCTOR: About The Additional Resources (3 min.)
- 26.226-2. Articles To Save For Future Reading About HTMA
- 26.326-3. Books About HTMA and Nutrition + PDF
- 26.426-4. Books About Homeopathy and Cell Salts + PDF
- 26.526-5. Website Links Of Interest
- 26.626-6. ASSIGNMENT #26: Resources
- 27. Course Examination - 100 Questions (Open Book)3
- 28. Complete Neumi Info + Binder Photos + Course Survey4
- 28.128-1. AUDIO #28 FROM INSTRUCTOR: Completing Your Course Survey (1 min.)
- 28.228-2. ASSIGNMENT #28a: Neumi Glutathione – #1 Antioxidant To Use Yourself & Offer Clients + Audio (20 min.) + Videos (53 min.)
- 28.328-3. ASSIGNMENT #28b: Take Your Binder Photos
- 28.428-4. ASSIGNMENT #28c: Complete The HTMA Pro Course Survey
- 29. Request Certificate Of Completion3
- 30. Last Steps To Finish The Course4