HTMA Director & Course Instructor

HTMA Director & Course Instructor

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About The HTMA Experts Director and Professional Course Instructor

Kari J. Kindem is the Director of HTMA Experts, an expert Hair Testing Practitioner (HTMA) and the Instructor who teaches the 45+ comprehensive online HTMA Professional Practitioner Training Course.
Kari is a mentor and professional coach for other HTMA Practitioners who want to be more successful in their hair testing practices.

Kari J. Kindem is an expert in Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) who has reviewed thousands of hair tests in her practice over many years. She teaches the comprehensive HTMA Professional Practitioner Training Course for health care professionals who learn exactly how to integrate and use HTMA in their practice or how to start a successful new HTMA practice.  With her skills as a teacher and her years of successful clinical experience, Practitioners learn how to fully understand the key mineral deficiencies and excesses that must be corrected. They learn all about heavy metal toxicities and how to rebalance the most significant mineral ratios in order to help their clients achieve a higher level of health and wellness – in less time!

Kari is trained in hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) and nutrient therapies using both minerals and homeopathy for efficient and effective mineral rebalancing. She is also skilled in the analysis of hidden copper toxicity based on hair testing and used advanced methods to help reduce copper toxicity, especially in women and children to improve their health outcomes more rapidly.  She has extensive experience with hair test interpretations on clients with complex chronic health issues. Kari has studied and follows the extensive body of HTMA clinical research and practice guidelines established by the founders in the field of HTMA including Dr. Paul Eck, Dr. David Watts, Dr. Larry Wilson and Dr. Rick Malter.

About Kari Kindem’s Clinical Practice in HTMA

Kari has worked with thousands of clients over many years with tremendous success and remarkable health improvements and recoveries! 

  • Kari continues with her on own extensive ongoing education in the field of hair testing, homeopathy and related health fields through multiple professional webinars and professional courses and has earned  multiple certifications (see the list below).
  • Kari uses HTMA’s, targeted nutritional supplements according to the HTMA report and also homeopathic remedies to help her clients achieve global improvements quickly.
  • She has a very high recovery success rate for very complex cases including for those with: autoimmune diseases, autism, cancer, Celiac disease, Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, infertility,  Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), “Long Covid Syndrome”, Lyme Disease, Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth (SIBO), thyroid diseases, ulcerative colitis, vaccine injuries of all types including Covid, women’s health and many  other complex health issues.
  • Kari also teaches multiple other online courses at the Homeopathic Education Institute for those seeking to do an Antibiotic Detox, Birth Control Detox, Covid Vaccine Detox, Homeoprophylaxis Programs, Steroids Detox, or a Vaccine Detox.  She provides supervision services along with these courses for a wide variety of other homeopathic detox cycles as well.
  • Kari has been a guest lecturer at the Homeopathic School of Intuitive Homeopathy on the successful treatment of Covid Vaccine injury using homeopathic methods,  the treatment of Long Covid plus the treatment of Covid vaccine shedding injures to those not vaccinated.
  • She has created innovative homeopathic protocols that have helped hundreds of people to recover from their Covid vaccine injuries.
  • Kari has supervised thousands of clients   to improve their health issues and integrates the use of mineral rebalancing with hair testing (HTMA) plus homeopathy simultaneously in her practice as an innovative approach that benefits greatly benefits each of  her clients.
  • Read testimonials from Kari’s Homeopathic practice here.

Professional Experience, Certifications and Training For Clinical Homeopathic Practice and Related Therapies
(in alphabetical order)

  • AO Body Scan Practitioner
    Trained in the use this of this quantum energy medicine using the AO Body Scan Digital Body Analyzer.  AO Body Scans may be done by distance with clients living anywhere, using a digital voice recording plus other client information.  After the Inner-Voice, Vitals and Body Scans are performed, a client receives a very detailed report by email. The balancing frequencies are provided in an audio file for listening to daily in order to rebalance those unbalanced frequencies. The optimizing of a client’s frequencies is done automatically, each time they are scanned. Read much more here about this method.
  • Autopathy Practitioner
    Trained in the various autopathy preparations and application methods for this new homeopathic method of autopathy, which based on the use instead of homeopathic remedies of a person’s own saliva, breath and prana for healing all types of energy blocks and health issues. Worked personally with the founder of Autopathy method, Jiri Cehovsky, Czechoslovakia.
  • Banerji Protocols Practitioner
    Ongoing study and extensive experience and use of 465+ of the Banerji Protocols, a method of therapeutic homeopathic prescribing for all types of acute and chronic diagnoses.
  • Certified AIT Practitioner
    Certified for many years and using the newest AIT system for AIT AT Home based supervised services for delivering Berard Auditory Integration Training. AIT is a 10 hour listening therapy done at home in 20 sessions, over 10 days.  Certified by the professional AIT trainers of the AIT Institute.
  • Certified CEASE Therapy Practitioner
    Trained and certified in the CEASE therapy method for autism and vaccine injury reversal, taught by the Kim Kalina, CCH, CEASE Therapy Organization, USA.
  • Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH)
    Certified Classical Homeopath from the Council for Homeopathic Certification., USA.
  • Certified Homeopathic Detox Therapy Practitioner (HDT)
    extensively in this homeopathic method of Homeopathic Detox (Human Chemistry) and rebalancing with many years of experience working with hundreds of cases using various homeopathic methods and protocols for efficient rebalancing of body functions and detoxification. Taught by the International School of Human Chemistry and HDT by Ton Jansen, Netherlands and Roger Savage, United Kingdom.
  • Certified Homeoprophylaxis Practitioner (CHP)
    Certified for providing homeoprophylaxis using homeopathic methods and principles to increase natural immunity to infectious diseases of all types, taught by Dr. Isaac Golden, Australia.
  • Certified Foundations in Homeopathy (CFHom)
    Graduate from a 4 year professional program (500 hours) at Caduceus Institute of Classical Homeopathy, Santa Cruz, CA.
  • Clinical Casework in Homeopathy – Hundreds Of Clinical Hours
    Completion of hundreds of hours of intensive clinical training and continuous on-going clinical training through various homeopathic educational institutions in the USA and internationally.
  • Gemmotherapy Practitioner
    Extensive course work and ongoing study in the use of gemmotherapy with professional courses taught by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, New Zealand.
  • Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) Practitioner
    Trained with extensive experience on hundreds of cases in identifying active miasmatic influences based on a complex set of facial features and HFA Analysis by Dr. Grant Bentley, Victorian College of Homeopathy, Australia.
  • Megapotency Practitioner
    Kari is trained and skilled in the use of very high potency remedies (CM, MM) and megapotencies (10MM, 50MM) and has been using these potencies on many clients to resolve deeply rooted personal and ancestral guilt, “shock blocks” and trauma with hundreds of clients.  The use of these remedies is based on the work of Jill R. Turland author of the book “Getting Back On Track” in Australia.
  • Source Resonance (SR Audio Files) Practitioner
    Trained to use Source Resonances (SR) audio files for homeopathic based healing  for a wide variety of health issues. This method focuses on deeply rooted emotional, mental, physical and spiritual issues.  Trained in the “TIPPS” system associated with Source Resonances for case taking to uncover burdens to health based on TIPPS – toxins, infections, physical trauma, psychological trauma and spiritual issues. This body of work and the associated Source Resonance (SR) audio files are on the result of 20+ years of work.Taught by Peter Chappell  and Leilani van Koten, United Kingdom. This method has cured thousands of cases of epidemic diseases including AIDS and malaria in Africa.

Post-Graduate Study in Homeopathy and Health

  • Advanced Courses For Homeopaths: Ongoing webinars on bowel nosodes, meditative proving remedies, new remedies, nosodes, matridonial remedies, trauma remedies and remedies for autism taught by the Centre for Homeopathic Education (UK) and Hilery Dorrian (UK).
  • Megapotency Prescribing In Practice: Ongoing webinars on the use of megapotencies taught by Jill Turland, Australia.
  • Source Medicine Prescribing In Practice: Webinars taught by Peter Chappel and Leilani van Koten, United Kingdom.
    Homeopathic Treatment of Eczema:
    Course for professionals taught by Enlightenment Education.
  • Gemmotherapy: Professional course taught by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD, expert in Gemmotherapy, New Zealand.
  • Homeopathic Detox Method and Human Chemistry Method: On going study and professional forums with other certified CEASE and HDT Practitioners following the methods of Ton Janssen, author of “Fighting Fire with Fire”.  Extensive experience using this method of homeopathic detoxification of antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, birth control, chemical toxins, environmental toxins prescription drugs, steroids and vaccinations, given at any time and in any combination.  Helping hundreds of clients with recovery using homeopathy and tautopathic remedies.
  • Treating Vaccine Damage: Advanced post graduate course for professionals taught by Dr. Isaac Golden, world expert in vaccine injury treatment, Australia.
  • Homeoprophylaxis (HP) Certification Course: Advanced post graduate course taught by Dr. Isaac Golden, in Australia.
  • Homeopathic Theory and Materia Medica Lectures: Series of 36+ on-line lectures on constitutional types through E-Learning Course taught by Dr. Othonos Athos, Homeopathic Academy, Greece.
  • Homeopathic Treatment of Autism: Effective autism treatment courses through the American Medical College of Homeopathy, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Nutrient Therapies In Practice: Extensive ongoing study of the nutrient therapies for metabolic disturbances and neurological diseases ADHD,Alzheimer’s, Autism, depression, copper toxicity,mercury toxicity, methylation status, PANDAS, pyroluriaincorporating the clinical methods used by Dr. William Walsh, author of “Nutrient Power” and The Walsh Protocols.
  • MTHFR Genetic Mutations and SNP’s: Extensive ongoing study and seminars related to the health andMTHFR and other SNP’s including the work of Dr. Benjamin Lynch at
  • Homeopathic Theory and Materia Medica Lectures: Online lectures taught by Dr. George Vithoulkas, International Institute of Classical Homeopathy, Greece
  • Anatomy and Physiology Courses: Academic course taught by Dr. Will Taylor and through Whole Health Now continuing education modules for professional.
  • Post-Graduate Courses: Bowel Nosode Prescribing, Case Management, Dose and Potency Course: Taught by Dr. Will Taylor through Whole Health Now Courses.
  • Organ Therapeutics and The Sycotic Miasm: Organ therapeutics and miasm course taught by Karen Allen, CCH, Continuing Education Seminars.
  • Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) Method: Clinicals and extensive professional training course completion in HFA with hundreds of faces analyzed using the method taught by Dr. Grant Bentley, Victorian College of Classical Homeopathy, Australia.
  • Natural Fertility Program: Trained and personal mentoring in natural fertility with homeopathy taught by world expert in natural fertility using homeopathy, Liz Lalor, CH, Australia
  • Professional Homeopath Seminars with Live Case Taking: taught by Dr. Luc De Schepper, Renaissance Institute of Classical Homeopathy.
  • Ongoing professional seminars, courses and study since 2005: Emphasis in acute care, Bach Flower Remedies; bowel nosodes, cell salts; chronic care; case analysis; case management; gemmotherapy,homeopathic remedies, Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA); isopathic nosodes, natural fertility methods; nosodes, organ therapeutics, Source Resonances. and tautopathy.
  • Joint North American Homeopathic Conference continuing education with accredited courses on the homeopathic care of women, children and families and with courses taught by Dr. Luc DeSchepper.
  • Understanding Medorrhinum: Course for professionals  taught by Enlightenment Education.
  • Understanding Mind Rubrics Of The Mind, Delusions and Dreams: Professional course taught by Dr. Farokh Master, Enlightenment Education.

University Degree

  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), International Relations. Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA.
    Graduated 1981 with honors (magna cum laude).

Professional Forums

  • HTMA Practitioner Forums:  International professional forums for Hair Testing Practitioners.
  • Homeprophylaxis Forum: International professional forum for Homeopaths trained in Homeoprophylaxis.
  • Human Chemistry Forum (Homeopathic Detox Therapy): International forum with other professional homeopaths using Homeopathic Detox Therapy in their practices based on the work of Ton Jannsen.
  • Homeopathic World Community: International forum of homeopaths and others who advocate homeopathy.
  • Banerji Protocols Forum: International forum for those using Banerji Protocols in practice.
  • CEASE Therapy Forum: International professional forum for homeopaths trained in the CEASE Method.
  • CM Remedies Forum: International professional forum for homeopaths trained in and using CM potencies often.
  • Megapotency Forum: International forum for those using megapotencies in practice.
  • Minutus: International on-line community of professional homeopaths.

Professional Affiliations