24-13. ASSIGNMENTS: #24-13 For Jacob * One Assigment Set May Be Submitted Per Day
Assignment: #24-13 Jacob
HTMA Graphs
- After reviewing the HTMA for this case study, go back to the beginning of the course in Section #2 Marking Up The Graphs and make all of the markings exactly per the updated current instructions on this HTMA.
- Double check that you have marked up each HTMA graph exactly per the instructions earlier in the course.
- metabolic type circled – add age and gender.
- rectangle boxes added for optimal white ranges (5 graphs).
- mineral mountain range is connected for all the nutritional elements.
- lines for Cu to Zn and Cu to Fe are indicated.
- the first 8 ideal values for the nutritional elements are written.
- any below calibration (<<) markers are circled where applicable on all graphs.
- ideals marker are noted with horizontal line through each (3 graphs).
- all the LOW values that are below optimal ranges in any of these sections (Nutritional Elements, Additional Elements, Significant Ratios & Toxic Ratios sections) have the * below each.
- Lithium is boxed.
- the HIGH values in the toxic elements have the a * below each.
- poor eliminator pattern is noted if applicable.
- there is a BIG STAR by the significant ratios section.
- smiley face by all significant ratios that are in white range.
- labels are added to the significant ratios graph by body function associated to it.
- Na/Mg ratio is boxed.
- toxic ratios below white box have a* under each.
- Include the Trace current ideal markers only for the first 8 minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, phosphorus and iron).
- Take a photo of each page with your markings to send to the Instructor with this assignment.
- In the subject line write #24-13a Jacob HTMA + Your Name.
- Send the email with the photos to: course@HTMAexperts.com.
Next Assignments
Cut and paste the entire question below at the top of your email when sending in your answers to this assignment after it.
Number each of your answers to match the questions below.
- Review your binder worksheets for all the HTMA pattern(s) that were taught in this course that you see in this person’s HTMA.
**All values must be present in a pattern for it to be the pattern.**
There can be more than one present – refer to your binder for the values per pattern for:- Adrenal burnout
- Calcium shell
- Poor eliminator
- Four highs
- Three lows
- Four lows
- Write 2 to 3 sentences after each pattern that you list what this means for this person.
- Give your comments and suggest what emotional or trauma factors you see in this case that influence the HTMA minerals and the person’s over all health and wellness in 2 to 3 sentences.
- Also comment on additional lifestyle recommendations for this case that would help them improve their outcome along with the Trace supplements and diet plan in 2 to 3 sentences.
- Based on the case history and the audio notes from the Instructor and the HTMA, what level of compliance to a one year minimum program would you give this client, on a scale of 1 to 10?
- What level of improvement might you predict for this client after about one year as a percentage with good compliance?
- What other labs or testing or the use of other modalities based on your area of expertise would you add for this case? Why?
- In the subject line write #24-13b Jacob Case Study + Your Name.
- Add any questions you have about this case study.
- Send the email with your assignment to: course@HTMAexperts.com.
Please click the COMPLETE button to move forward in the course.