Copper Toxicity and Health Issues

Copper Toxicity and Health Issues

High levels of copper are toxic to the body and will alter other mineral patterns, while reducing the body’s ability to detox heavy metals. High copper levels result in a wide variety of altered biological functions and health challenges.

Why Is Copper Needed?
Copper is needed in the body and has important biological functions. But too much  copper that is unbound becomes toxic and can result in the inability to produce energy, depletion of key minerals, the depletion of adequate adrenal, challenge immune system and decrease thryoid function.

Copper Toxicity and Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

  • Hidden copper toxicity occurs when high levels of copper are stored in various body tissues but have not yet been released to show up in the hair.
  • Someone with copper toxicity can have either high copper showing up in the hair or may have low or hidden copper.
  • Even when copper appears low in the hair test, we look for other key indicators such as of high unbound copper in tissues such as
    • high calcium
    • low potassium
    • the Ca/K ratio over 10
    • low molybdenum (<.003)
    • low Na/K
    • plus other levels and ratios to understand what is really happening with copper.
    • A vitamin C deficiency is very common as the copper level goes too high. This impairs serotonin production which leads to insomnia.
  • Even if a HTMA  hair test graph shows a low copper level, implying  that a person  needs to consume more copper, that is not correct.  This would only make the problem much worse.
  • You must have a trained HTMA Practitioner who understands all of the the various HTMA markers to professionally guide you with nutrients and/or specific homeopathic remedies to balance the key issues shown in the hair test.

Health Issues Related to Copper Toxicity
Below are the common health issues, physical symptoms and diagnoses that are often related to copper toxicity.

  1. Aching muscles or muscle cramps
  2. Acne including cystic acne
  3. ADD or ADHD
  4. Adverse reaction to vitamins & minerals
  5. Anger or rage
  6. Autism Spectrum Disorders
  7. Anxiety
  8. Arthritis
  9. Bipolar Disorder
  10. Birth Control Use – IUD at any age
  11. Birth Control Use – Pill Use at any age
  12. Calcium bone spurs
  13. Cancer
  14. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  15. Chocolate cravings
  16. Cold hands, and/or feet
  17. Constipation
  18. Cysts
  19. Depression
  20. Despair, suicidal feelings, hopelessness
  21. Dry skin
  22. Eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, overeating
  23. Endometriosis
  24. Fatigue and exhaustion
  25. Fibromyalgia
  26. Gum disease
  27. Gut dysbiosis
  28. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
  29. Headaches – including migraines
  30. Heart disease
  31. Heart palpitations
  32. Hormone Replacement Therapy
  33. Hypoglycemia
  34. Hypothyroid (slow thyroid function)
  35. Hyperthyroid (fast thryoid function)
  36. Infertility or difficulty conceiving
  37. Insomnia, interrupted sleep
  38. Low blood pressure
  39. Lyme Disease
  40. Mind is in a fog, brain fog
  41. Mind races
  42. Mood swings
  43. Mononucleosis
  44. Obsessive thoughts
  45. OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  46. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  47. Osteoporosis
  48. Osteopenia
  50. Panic attacks, free floating anxiety
  51. Paranoia
  52. Schizophrenia
  53. PMS – Premenstrual Syndrome including menstrual cramps
  54. Postpartum depression
  55. Problems with concentration and memory
  56. Racing heart, pounding heart
  57. Seizures
  58. Short attention span or “spaciness”
  59. Skin rashes
  60. Super sensitiveness, weeping
  61. Thyroid problems
  62. Tooth decay
  63. Yeast infection – candida
  64. Violent behavior

An Introduction To Copper Toxicity
(6:49 minutes)